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        We respect your privacy. Please consent to all cookies when you visit our website. Refer to our "Privacy Policy" for more information on how we handle personal data.


        WUQI Privacy Policy

        Chongqing WUQI Microelectronics Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "WUQI") attaches great importance to personal information protection and formulates this Privacy Policy ("this Policy") in accordance with the Cybersecurity Law of the People's Republic of China, the Personal Information Protection Law of the People's Republic of China, and the Data Security Law of the People's Republic of China. This Policy applies to WUQI website http://www.wuqi-tech.com/ and its related domains ("this website").

        1. Rules and Access Conditions

        Rules in this Policy apply to all users of and visitors to this website, and are subjected to changes without notice by WUQI. The right to access this website is granted by WUQI in accordance with the rules. If you do not agree to any of the following rules, please stop further operations. WUQI reserves the right to resort to laws for violations of these rules.

        2. Governing Law

        By accessing this website and using the facilities and/or services provided by this website, you agree that such accesses, facilities and/or services are governed by laws of the People's Republic of China, and, you agree to the jurisdiction of courts of the People's Republic of China.

        3. Copyright Notice

        Except for the content quoted from other parties, WUQI owns the copyright. You may view, copy, print and distribute the content on this website for personal use only, while maintaining the integrity of all copyright and other proprietary notices.

        4. Disclaimer

        Unless otherwise agreed between WUQI and other parties, WUQI does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, adequacy and reliability of the information displayed on this website, including but not limited to the text, pictures, data, opinions, suggestions, web pages and links, in spite of its intention to provide accurate information on the website. Furthermore, WUQI does not hold responsibility for errors or omissions in the information, nor does it explicitly or implicitly make any promises on the information, including but not limited to the ownership, non-infringement of third party rights, quality assurance, and virus-free.

        WUQI may modify information on this website at any time without notice. You are recommended to visit this website on a regular basis to obtain the latest information.

        Non-WUQI products or services referenced on this website are for information presentation only, which does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation of these products and services.

        WUQI does not make any warranties of products, services or information on this website. All sold products and services shall be subject to the sales contracts signed between WUQI and other parties.

        5. Trademark Notice

        Trademarks and logos displayed on this website belong to WUQI, except for those indicated to be owned by third parties. No one shall use the name, trademark or logo of WUQI in any form at any time without WUQI's prior written consent.

        6. Links to Third Party WebsitesLinks to third party websites may be retained to achieve convenient information retrieval. Users decide whether to access these links and bear responsibilities for the access. WUQI does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, adequacy and reliability of any information, data, opinions, pictures, statements or suggestions on the linked third parties' websites, let alone endorse or recommend such information. These links are provided not for publicity or advertising purposes, and do not constitute the evidence of business relations between WUQI and third parties.

        7. Right to Privacy

        WUQI fully respects your privacy and spares no effort to protect your personal data. Generally, no personal data are required to browse this website. The operation of sending emails with personal data included to WUQI for a specific purpose indicates that you have fully understood the usage of personal data and agreed to the use of personal data by WUQI for that purpose. Personal data include, but are not limited to, the name, gender, identity documents, date of birth, country, email address, telephone number, contact address, postal code, desired services, preferences, and customer code.WUQI uses your personal data collected in accordance with this Policy within the limits permitted by laws, and will not sell the data at any time and under any circumstances. However, WUQI may provide certain personal data to government departments as required in accordance with laws and regulations. WUQI may also disclose certain personal data based on the minimum necessary rule when the disclosure has to be performed to protect legitimate rights of WUQI, customers or the public. You should have anticipated and agreed to such situations when you provided personal data.

        8. Policy Up date

        WUQI reserves the right to revise or up date this Policy from time to time. Changes to this Policy will be posted on this website. You are recommended to visit this website periodically to obtain revisions or up dates.


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